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1 việc làm đang tuyển dụng

Giới thiệu công ty

Cloud based POS for Restaurant, Cafe, Bar
At HotTab we believe in attitude. If you have a great attitude you will be able to learn any skills. So don’t shy away if your experience or skills doesn’t match our job requirements. Come to us with a great attitude and you will always be welcome.

Hottab is a new start up in Hanoi. Learning is what you do in Hottab where you can build your career or just find out what you want to do and do what you love. We are a dynamic, young team with full of passion to make something different. In Hottab, you can make friends; open your network helps to boost your future.

You won’t only work in HotTab to achieve your career success but also participate in team retreat every three months and dinner gathering every month for you to get to know people, share your passion, have fun. .

Tuyển dụng

HN - Nhân viên kinh doanh (sale)

30/09/2019 Hà Nội 8.5 triệu - 70 triệu Toàn thời gian cố định

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